Dushica Todorova- Stefanovski is a resident of nuclear medicine in the University Institute for Positron Emission Tomography in Skopje from 2016. She has graduated at the Medical Faculty, the University of St.Cyril and Methodius in Skopje in 2011 and in the next 5 years she has been working as a family doctor in Primary Health Institution. From 2016 she is resident of nuclear medicine. Her residency programme includes training at the Institute of Pathophysiology and Nuclear Medicine and at University Institute of positron Emission Tomography. She has been taking part at the education’ on site’ from IAEA experts in nuclear medicine, which has been held in the UI PET in Skopje.
Dr.Todorova-Stefanovski has been participating in training courses in Europe in the field of PET and in the field of conventional nuclear medicine such as training course for PET/CT in Debrecen Hungary in 2017, training course for multimodality imaging and therapy for oncology and pulmonary diseases in Bergamo, Italy in 2018, European Congress of nuclear medicine in Dusseldorf in 2018, Balkan Congress of nuclear medicine in Sarajevo in 2018. She is member of Macedonian Medical Association and Macedonian Association of Nuclear Medicine.