Zlatko Filipovski is employed at the University Institute of Positron Emission Tomography as a medical physicist – cyclotron operator. He has almost 10 years working experience, 5 years working experience in the field of radiation protection and dosimetry and 5 years working experience in the field of nuclear medicine – production of PET radioisotopes and positron emission tomography. In 2020 he has obtained a degree as specialist in medical nuclear physics.
Zlatko Filipovski graduated at the University “Ss Cyril and Methodius” at the Faculty of natural science and mathematics – Institute of physics in 2012, and received a Bachelor degree of engineering physics – medical physics. He continues his education at the University of Padova and in 2018 he finished a master course and received a master degree in “Surface treatments for industrial applications”.
He has several long-term educations and trainings in the field of PET cyclotron operation and maintenance at the University hospital “S.Orsola – Malpighi“ in Bologna, Italy, Cyclotron based production of radioisotopes at the Korean institute of radiological and medical science in Seoul, S. Korea. Beside this he has taken a part and participate in several conferences and symposiums where he submits scientific articles as an author and co-author covering the field of radiation protection, nuclear medicine and positron emission tomography.