Simon Beshliev is a resident of nuclear medicine in the University Institute for Positron Emission Tomography in Skopje. He graduated in 2018 at the Medical faculty- University of Goce Delcev in Stip, where he became the title-medical doctor (MD). In December 2018, he joined our team at the Institute as a medical doctor.
In September 2019, he started with the nuclear medicine residency program at the University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Skopje. His professional interests are in the fields of nuclear oncology including, molecular and hybrid imaging, cancer genetics in oncology practice and radionuclide therapy.
He has participated in a couple of nuclear medicine conferences such as Balkan Congress of nuclear medicine in Sarajevo in 2018, 10 Years of National PET Center in Belgrade in 2019. Also he has participated at the 30th European Congress of Radiology-ECR, Wien 2018, and in many conferences related to oncology such as ,,Personalized approach in mCRC for optimal patient benefit (Erbitux-Cetuximab)” in Skopje 2019, Early Occurrence of Colorectal Carcinoma. Where we are. Where are we going?, in Skopje 2019. He has been taking part at the education ‘’on site’’ delivered by IAEA experts in nuclear medicine, which has been held at the UI PET in Skopje.